Showing 26 - 50 of 286 Results
Early History of the Christian Church, Vol. 1 by Duchesne, Louis ISBN: 9781117895000 List Price: $36.75
Christian Worship: Its Origin and Evolution; a Study of the Latin Liturgy Up to the Time of ... by Duchesne, Louis, McClure, M... ISBN: 9781145370036 List Price: $43.75
The Churches Separated From Rome by Duchesne, Louis ISBN: 9781154166699 List Price: $20.22
Early History of the Christian Church from its Foundation to the End of the Third Century by Jenkins, Claude, Duchesne, ... ISBN: 9781117643229 List Price: $26.99
Catalogue Des Tableaux, Dessins, Estampes, Livres, Medailles, Coquilles Et Curiosites Du Cab... by Duchesne, Jean, Lafitte, Louis ISBN: 9781160824729 List Price: $16.95
Early History of the Christian Church by Monsignor Louis Duchesne ISBN: 9781117403489 List Price: $26.99
Autonomies Ecclésiastiques : Églises Séparées by Duchesne, Louis Marie Olivier ISBN: 9780543657855 List Price: $26.99
Fastes épiscopaux de L'Ancienne Gaule : L'Aquitaine et les Lyonnaises by Duchesne, Louis Marie Olivier ISBN: 9780543948403 List Price: $29.99
Early History of the Christian Church from Its Foundations to the End of the Fifth Century V... by Duchesne, Louis, Jenkins, C... ISBN: 9780614002591 List Price: $100.00
Early History of the Christian Church from Its Foundations to the End of the Fifth Century V... by Duchesne, Louis, Jenkins, C... ISBN: 9780614002584 List Price: $100.00
Early History of the Christian Church from Its Foundations to the End of the Fifth Century V... by Duchesne, Louis, Jenkins, C... ISBN: 9780614001549 List Price: $100.00
Early History of the Christian Church from Its Foundations to the End of the Fifth Century V... by Duchesne, Louis, Jenkins, C... ISBN: 9780614001532 List Price: $100.00
Early History of the Christian Church by Duchesne, Monsignor Louis ISBN: 9781117403472 List Price: $35.75
Catalogue des Tableaux, Dessins, Estampes, Livres, Medailles, Coquilles et Curiosites du Cab... by Duchesne, Jean, Lafitte, Louis ISBN: 9781168884329 List Price: $25.56
Catalogue des Tableaux, Dessins, Estampes, Livres, Medailles, Coquilles et Curiosites du Cab... by Duchesne, Jean, Lafitte, Louis ISBN: 9781168026132 List Price: $13.56
Etude Sur le Liber Pontificalis by Duchesne, Louis ISBN: 9781166757397 List Price: $23.16
Etude Sur le Liber Pontificalis by Duchesne, Louis ISBN: 9781166848118 List Price: $35.16
Etude Sur le Liber Pontificalis; Essai Sur les Monuments Grecs et Romains; Catalogue des Vas... by Duchesne, Louis, Collignon,... ISBN: 9781166805043 List Price: $40.76
Etude Sur le Liber Pontificalis; Essai Sur les Monuments Grecs et Romains; Catalogue des Vas... by Duchesne, Louis, Collignon,... ISBN: 9781166893538 List Price: $52.76
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